I love goals and planning. I love taking days, weeks, and months (I’m not quite ready for entire years yet) and breaking them down into chunks, with lists and schedules galore. I love knowing what…
I love goals and planning. I love taking days, weeks, and months (I’m not quite ready for entire years yet) and breaking them down into chunks, with lists and schedules galore. I love knowing what…
Hello, my name is Tonile and I get excited when Priceline has a 40% off sale. For the uninitiated, at seemingly random times throughout the year, Priceline offers 40% off a certain category (or set of categories) in…
I’m not going to lie, this week also sucked. In fact, I reckon it sucked more than last week. I went back to Brisbane on Thursday for a funeral of a family member and was…
Welcome to the first volume of bookmail! I can’t say how frequently/infrequently I’ll post these. I suppose it does depend on how many wonderful things come across my desk… Which is quite regularly, so maybe…
The week that was wasn’t a very pleasant one. The first part of the week was reasonably stressful as my mum travelled home from an overseas holiday while a family member’s health was increasingly failing.…
Welcome to the first book review of 2016. Hooray! While I can’t promise to review every book I read this year, I’m hoping to review at least 50%. There’s another 2016 resolution for you. Honestly…
I think the first week of the year always sucks for achieving goals. (What a positive way to start the post.) I’m guilty of getting into the New Year’s resolutions mindset and thinking I can…
Welcome to the second part of my preview of books published in 2016 that you should know about. If you missed part one, which covers January to March, read it first here! April I’m calling…