LIFE OF PI by Yann Martel

After 11 years in print, I finally got around to reading Life of Pi earlier this month. Pi, which won the Man Booker Prize in 2002, is Yann Martel’s fantasy/adventure/magical realism/survival novel about a young Indian boy and the incredulous…

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THE FUTURE OF US by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler

I really wanted to like this book. I was coming down from reading Life of Pi in a single day and I really needed something light and fluffy and fun to ease me back into reading…

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SHARP OBJECTS by Gillian Flynn

Gillian Flynn is a catch-22 for me. On the one hand, she makes you want to run out and read all her books as quickly as possible. On the other hand, her books are so…

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DARK PLACES by Gillian Flynn

Earlier this year I read Gillian Flynn’s latest release, Gone Girl. It was fairly high levels of amazing and made me want to read her previous titles, Sharp Objects and Dark Places. What made Gone…

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Anyone who knows me reasonably well will know that I am still, for the most part, avoiding digital books. I am a bibliophile–I love physical books and I take pride in the way they line…

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THIS IS SHYNESS by Leanne Hall

At the recommendation of a reliable source, I picked up Leanne Hall’s This is Shyness without quite knowing what to expect. Shyness won Text Publishing’s Text Prize in 2009. The Prize is awarded annually to the best…

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LIAR & SPY by Rebecca Stead

In the Publishers Weekly review of Liar & Spy, the novel is described as “as close to perfect as middle-grade novels come”. I’ll be honest–this almost made me choose not to read it. I was in ‘middle-grade’…

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THE ENGAGEMENT by Chloe Hooper

As part of the Brisbane Writers Festival over the weekend, I sat in on a session with Aussie authors Patrick Holland, Bronwyn Parry and Chloe Hooper. Chaired by fabulous local Brisbane author Trent Jamieson, the…

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