The week that was wasn’t a very pleasant one. The first part of the week was reasonably stressful as my mum travelled home from an overseas holiday while a family member’s health was increasingly failing. Though not under the most positive circumstances, I was able to see my mum at the airport on Wednesday afternoon. The second part of the week was challenging, as a family member passed away. Though not unexpected, it was sudden and upsetting. (This coming week will likely be disrupted by travelling back to Brisbane for the funeral, but I’m determined to stay on track despite the chaos surrounding me.)
One bright part of the week was attending the launch of Who’s Afraid? by Maria Lewis. You can check out my review of the book here. I got to meet internet people IRL, which was nice for a change. And with all those things going on, I managed to achieve all my weekly goals, except for the smoothies goal because I sucked at that and had a grand total of zero green smoothies. I ticked off my second strength training session earlier today, and for the first time in what feels like forever I wasn’t squeezing gym in at the end of my day. I found the motivation to go pre-lunch, and while I’d hate to speak to soon and curse the process, I am experiencing brief flashbacks to my old gym-loving self. To be perfectly honest, it’s nice to see her again. My sore and tired muscles, though not protesting as loudly as they were last week, need some TLC and I’m going to plan a yoga session or two in for the week. I use an app and can quite literally do it anywhere, so there are no excuses to not be able to tick that one off a week from now.
I also got paid on Friday, which was a big relief. I’m slowly working away at a post on surviving being paid monthly, but I feel like a bit of a fraud writing about it as it’s still brutal each and every month. One of my big goals for the week (so, naturally, I write it last on my list) is to stick to my January budget challenge of only buying essentials. I know I’m not alone in being outrageously tempted to go shopping as soon as my pay lands in my bank account, but I need to do the gross adult thing of being quite stingy this month. (And for the coming months, I suspect.) Someone left a comment on my January budget challenge post and introduced me to an app called Pocketbook. It syncs with your bank accounts and you can track your spending, your bills, and your financial goals. I’m going to have a play with it between now and my February payday, to see how it works for me.
And so, my weekly goals for January 18-24 are:
★ Drink at least 2L of water each day (This is becoming a habit I don’t need to be reminded about, so I might take it off the list in the next couple of weeks.)
★ Complete two strength training sessions at the gym
★ Run my usual 6km route around Iron Cove twice
★ Complete one yoga session
★ Make and drink two green smoothies
★ Write two blog posts
★ Stick to my January budget challenge
Tell me your goals! We’re already halfway through January, which is disgusting as it feels like the new year only ticked over yesterday, and now that we’ve all settled back into work for the year, it’s as good a time as any to plan for great things.